
For the most up-to-date list, check out my Google Scholar

16. Matthew J.H. Gilbert+, Emily A. Hardison+, Erika J. Eliason, Anthony P. Farrell, Katja Anttila (2024). Measuring maximum heart rate to study cardiac thermal performance and heat tolerance in fishes. In press at Journal of Experimental Biology. +co-first author

15. Erika J. Eliason, Emily A. Hardison (2024). The impacts of diet on cardiac performance under changing environments. In press at Journal of Experimental Biology. Invited special issue article.

14. Jacey Van Wert, Kim Birnie-Gauvin, Jordan Gallagher, Emily A. Hardison, Kaitlyn Landfield, Deron Burkepile, Erika J. Eliason (2024). Despite plasticity, heatwaves are costly for a coral reef fish. Scientific Reports.

13. Emily A. Hardison, Erika J. Eliason (2024). Diet effects on ectotherm thermal performance. Biological Reviews.

12. Krista Kraskura, Emily A. Hardison, Erika J. Eliason (2023). Body size and temperature affect metabolic and cardiac thermal tolerance in fish. Scientific Reports.

11. Gail D. Schwieterman; Emily A. Hardison; Georgina K. Cox; Jacey Van Wert; Kim Birnie-Gauvin; Erika J. Eliason (2023). Mechanisms of cardiac collapse at high temperature in a marine teleost (Girella nigrians). Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry Part A.

10. Emily A. Hardison, Gail D. Schwieterman, Erika J. Eliason (2023). Diet changes thermal acclimation capacity, but not acclimation rate in a marine ectotherm (Girella nigricans) during warming. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Featured in ‘Outside JEB’

9. Samantha R. Csik, Bartholomew P. DiFiore, Krista Kraskura, Emily A. Hardison, Joseph S. Curtis, Erika J. Eliason, and Adrian C. Stier (2023). The metabolic underpinnings of temperature-dependent predation in a key marine predator. Frontiers in Marine Science.

8. Alexander G. Little, Tanya S. Prystay, Emily A. Hardison, Terra Dressler, Krista Kraskura, Steven J. Cooke, David A. Patterson, Scott G. Hinch, Erika J. Eliason (2022). Evaluating Cardiac Oxygen Limitation as a Mechanism for Female-Biased Mortality in Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Canadian Journal of Zoology.

7. Gail D. Schwieterman, Emily A. Hardison, Erika J. Eliason (2022). Effect of thermal variation on the cardiac thermal limits of a eurythermal marine teleost (Girella nigricans). Current Research in Physiology (special issue).

6. Emily A. Hardison, Krista Kraskura, Jacey Van Wert, Tina Nguyen, Erika J. Eliason. (2021). Diet mediates thermal performance traits: implications for marine ectotherms. Journal of Experimental Biology. Winner of JEB outstanding paper prize and featured in ‘Inside JEB’ and the UCSB current.

5. Krista Kraskura+, Emily A. Hardison+, Alexander G. Little, Terra Dressler, Tanya S. Prystay, Brian Hendriks, Tony P. Farrell, Steve J. Cooke, David A. Patterson, Scott G. Hinch, and Erika J. Eliason. (2021). Sex-specific differences in swimming, aerobic scope, and recovery from exercise in adult coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) across ecologically relevant temperatures. Conservation Physiology. Featured in ‘Outside JEB’. +co-first author

4. Alexander G. Little, Emily Hardison, Krista Kraskura, Terra Dressler, Tanya Prystay, Brian Hendriks, Jonathon Pruitt, Tony P. Farrell, Steve J. Cooke, David Patterson, Scott G. Hinch, and Erika Eliason. (2020). Reduced lactate dehydrogenase activity in the heart and suppressed sex hormone levels are associated with female-biased mortality during thermal stress in Pacific salmon. Journal of Experimental Biology.

3. Alexander G. Little+, Terra Dressler+, Krista Kraskura, Emily Hardison, Tony P. Farrell, Scott J. Hinch, David A. Patterson, Erika J. Eliason. (2020). Maxed out: Optimizing accuracy, precision and power for field measures of maximum metabolic rate in fishes. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.

2. Mikhail Binnewies+, Adriana M. Mujal+, Joshua L. Pollack, Alexis J. Combes, Emily A. Hardison, Megan K. Ruhland, Kevin C. Barry, Patrick Ha, Vincent Chan, Edward W. Roberts, Matthew F. Krummel. (2019) Unleashing Type-2 Dendritic Cells to Drive Protective Antitumor CD4+ T Cell Immunity. Cell.

1. Matthew F. Krummel, Jagdish N. Mahale, Lion F. K. Uhl, Emily A. Hardison, Adriana M. Mujal, Julie M. Mazet, Robert J. Weber, Zev J. Gartner, and Audrey Gérard (2018). Paracrine costimulation of IFN-γ signaling by integrins modulates CD8 T cell differentiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Outside JEB articles

Treehoppers tolerate temperatures that are too hot for mating


For salty toads, timing is everything


Small but mighty: baby sturgeons beat the heat

Hot spring fish live life on the edge



Ocean acidification causes some fishy side effects


Climate change leaves urchins on a rock in a hard place to live


Does turning up the heat affect how salmon eat?